
Scout Returns Chris Hemsworth’s Lost Wallet and Appears on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

ScoutMeetsThorIf you’ve seen Chris Hemsworth battle to the ends of the universe, feigning off evil with the swing of a hammer as Thor, you might think the guy can tackle any problem thrown his way. But what happens when the powerful Thor is faced with a predicament he can’t solve with a mythical hammer? Losing his wallet, perhaps? Everyday heroes like Eagle Scout Tristin Budzyn-Barker swoop in to save the day.

On a recent trip to California, Tristin found a wallet and was surprised to discover who the stranded wallet belonged to – none other than Chris Hemsworth.

“Mom, do you know who this is?” Tristin recalls saying. “We found Thor’s wallet.”

After some research, Tristin located the actor’s address and sent him a letter along with the wallet.

To Hemsworth’s surprise, the wallet was returned with all of his cash still inside. He shared the story with Ellen DeGeneres and had the Eagle on her talkshow to explain what happened.

“Obviously, you could’ve kept it,” DeGeneres said to Tristin. “There was money in there, right?”

Yet the Scout knew the right thing to do and doing so paid off in a huge way. To reward the Eagle for his kindness, Hemsworth not only gave him all the money inside his wallet, he gave him a little extra cash and a signed letter to the Eagle.

An Eagle since November 2015, Tristin of the Blackhawk Area Council explained to Chris and Ellen how he built shelters for horses for his Eagle Scout service project and then was stunned to receive one final surprise.

DeGeneres awarded Tristin $10,000 in cash from Shutterfly, along with a new wallet of his own.

Learn more about how Tristin’s good turn got him on television with Thor and Ellen DeGeneres by reading the Bryan on Scouting story and watching the video clip below.


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Hayley Cordaro is a communications specialist at the Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at