
The Eagle Scout and Quarterback Behind BYU’s Hail Mary, Tanner Mangum

Eagle Scout Tanner Mangum and his Hail Mary pass against Nebraska, Saturday, September 5 (Photo by Mark A. Philbrick/BYU Photo)

If you’re one of the thousands of college football fans that poured into the Nebraska Memorial Stadium, had your eyes glued to the television screen for the end of the BYU v. Nebraska game, or have watched ESPN in the last week then you know about Tanner Mangum.

But did you know Tanner soared long before he charged BYU to a victory over Nebraska?  That’s right. The quarterback who launched the mouth-dropping Hail Mary pass which propelled BYU to a 33-28 win is an Eagle Scout.

As a member of Troop 106 in the Ore-Ida Council, Mangum earned Scouting’s highest rank in 2008. Learn more about the Eagle behind the 42-yard touchdown pass by heading to Bryan on Scouting for the scoop.


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Hayley Cordaro is a communications specialist at the Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at